Clinical Skills USA, Inc. is always seeking exceptional men and women who are interested and qualified to become Standardized Patients or Guiding Patients, in advancing the cause for competent, sensitive, patient-centered healthcare.
If you are interested in becoming a Standardized Patient, or have questions about the position, please contact us by using the contact link on this website. If you are interested in becoming a Guiding Patient, or have questions about the position, please contact us using the contact link on this website and completing the candidate questionnaire using the link on this page. We look forward to hearing from you!
INTERESTED IN Becoming A Guiding Patient?
If interested in becoming a Guiding Patient, please help us by answering the following questions. Note that prospective Guiding Patients MUST reside in the State of Georgia.

Testimonials from our Guiding Patients
Why did you choose to become a Guiding Patient?
“Traditionally our American healthcare system has failed to serve men by actively promoting regular comprehensive physical exams for men starting between ages 15 to 21, as they have on behalf of women. And, when we do go in for a physical exam, our doctors and nurses will frequently skip an exam of our testicles or penis, out of ignorance, indifference and/or anxiety. What motivates me as a male Guiding Patient, is the opportunity that I’m provided to address all of those inadequacies with each of the students whom I guide...and hopefully, prepare them to better serve men’s health. ”
“I’ve personally experienced doctors and nurses who were insensitive to me as a patient, and who made me feel more like a number than a human being. Too often, I’ve felt like I was a victim of “assembly-line” medicine. I also experienced a painful pelvic exam during my first gynecological exam, and jumped at the chance to take my stand as an advocate (GYN Guiding Patient) for “patient-centered” care...especially when it involves a highly sensitive experience like a gynecological exam. ”

+ Do I need to have related experience or healthcare training to become a Guiding Patient?
No healthcare training or experience is required. An interest in healthcare is helpful. CSUSA will provide all the training necessary to become proficient as an instructor.
+ What does the training involve in becoming a Guiding Patient? Will I be sufficiently prepared?
CSUSA will not assign you to an actual training assignment until you feel sufficiently prepared. Your readiness will be mutually determined by you and CSUSA. Preparatory training is provided by CSUSA at no expense to you. The preparatory training includes an 8-hour classroom session that is not paid, followed by on-the-job training that is paid. During the on-the-job training you will be paired, during the student instruction, with a clinical preceptor (faculty or practicing clinician), or a fellow senior Guiding Patient.
+ What does the female gynecological exam involve?
A standard painless breast and pelvic exam. The pelvic exam will include an external visual inspection of the genitalia, an internal visual inspection using a vaginal speculum, and some gentle pressing of the lower abdomen, the uterus and the ovaries. The Pap test will be discussed during the instruction, but will not be performed.
+ What does the male urogenital exam involve?
A visual inspection of the external genitalia, and painless physical exam of the penis, testicles, and rectum, including the prostate. An exam to identify hernias will also be instructed.
+ Are the exams painful? (breast, pelvic, testicular, hernia, rectal)
The exams should not be painful, if performed properly, utilizing the exam techniques that we teach. It will be largely the responsibility of the Guiding Patient to protect their own safety by ensuring proper instruction and careful attention to the students while they perform the exam.
+ What will I be wearing during the exam instruction?
All Guiding Patients are required to wear scrubs to the instruction site. The male Guiding Patients will instruct while in their scrubs, and the female Guiding Patients will instruct while wearing a hospital gown.
+ Where is the student instruction conducted?
The student instruction is most commonly conducted at the medical, nursing or physician assistant school. Occasionally, the instruction may be conducted at an affiliated hospital or clinic.
+ How many students will I instruct at one time, and how many in a day?
You will typically instruct 3 to 4 students per session, lasting one hour to ninety minutes each. Student numbers and the length of the sessions may vary dependent on the total number of students to be instructed, and the total amount of allotted time for the instruction. A typical half day of instruction will include 4 to 8 students, and a typical full day of instruction will include 10 to 12 students. All assignments are guaranteed to be paid for a minimum of 4 students (local) or 6 students (out-of-town). Individual Guiding Patients may limit the number of exams they will instruct in a day, at their own discretion.
+ Is overnight travel required? Are expenses covered for travel out-of town?
Assignments requiring overnight travel are offered to all Guiding Patients, but are not required. Some Guiding Patients may prefer to work only local assignments. Out-of-town travel expenses are covered, including transportation (auto or air travel), lodging and a per diem for meals and incidentals. Auto travel is usually by arranged carpooling.
+ How are the Guiding Patients paid?
The Guiding Patients are each paid on a per student exam basis (not hourly). Payments are made either directly from the school/institution or most commonly from Clinical Skills USA.