Clinical Skills USA is proud to offer its institutional partners a variety of services that may be customized to meet their unique educational objectives.
Gynecological and Male Urogenital Exam
Instruction and SKILLS Assessment
Didactic instruction
Practicum instruction (independent or preceptor-assisted)
OSCE skills assessment
Recruiting, screening and training in-house Guiding Patients
Full management of teaching events, including scheduling, onsite coordination, actual instruction, quality assurance, post-evaluation
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Training and Competency Assessment Support
Vaginal speculum instruction
Victim simulation for forensic evidence collection training eg. history-taking, physical evidence collection, counseling
Victim simulation for observed competency assessments
Ultrasound Training Support
Physical modeling for female pelvic and male urogenital ultrasound training
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Training Support
Physical modeling for female and male pelvic floor therapy training
Simulated Designed Outcomes (SDO) Training and Skills Assessment:
Standardized Patients
Referral of female and male “Standardized Patients” for simulated role-play applied to training and skills assessment.
Supporting simulated learning and assessment in the following fields: medical, nursing, pharmacy, veterinary, counseling, legal, theology, sales, customer service