Clinical Skills USA, Inc. is anxious to assist institutions in healthcare education, to supplement their instruction with hands on learning in patient health assessment, midwifery and women's health, ultrasound, and pelvic floor therapy. Our Guiding Patients are prepared to support instruction in comprehensive and painless physical examination technique and patient-centered care skills. Our Standardized Patients are available to assist with the application of simulated learning in the training of professional skills for numerous fields, including healthcare, pharmacology, veterinary medicine, theology, consumer sales and customer service. If you are interested in learning more about CSUSA, and would like to explore how CSUSA might support your training needs, please contact us using the form below. We look forward to hearing from you!
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Testimonials from Faculty & Administration
“Thank you all once again for all your outstanding teaching and mentoring. I have had only rave reviews of your help. It is always a boost in the arm to the students after they work with you all. They see clinical rotations down the road and this tells them how much they know and how much they don’t...which motivates them. I always look forward to working with you all.”
“Scott, while we will certainly obtain feedback from students via a follow-up survey for you, rest assured that the feedback from students thus far, solicited and unsolicited, has been universally positive. We look forward to further work with you in the future. We very much appreciate your contribution to our students’ education.”
“It was a pleasure having the crew from Clinical Skills USA here last week. One of the students (a psych and mental health nurse practitioner student) said afterwards that the encounter was “life changing.” She said she learned so much and really had a great experience. Another student said that she went through anesthesia training and never had anything this thorough. While I am not at all surprised that they had this kind of experience, I am thrilled to hear it. J Of course, everyone was personable and professional and fantastic to work with. They were very flexible with our big group and late schedule.”

Testimonials from STUDENTS
“Hello CSUSA,
I can’t of course write in the name of my school, but as an individual medical student, let me say thank you so much for coming to work with us. I haven’t heard a single comment from my classmates that wasn’t absolutely glowing. You were all so professional, and so kind, patient, and humorous that it took almost all of the anxiety out of what was the first experience with those exams for many of us. We were able to laugh as we learned and communicate honestly. I appreciated the relaxed and friendly environment so much, and I’m pleased to say that when I have my first genuine patient, with all their fears and expectations, at least I can go into the room with full confidence that I know what I’m doing and have the capacity to put them at ease with professionalism and experience.
All of your instructors are so wonderful! It seems strange to say that the experience was fun... but it was fun! These are the things we forget about when we’re trapped in our books, and they’re the things that remind us why we’re going into medicine. It’s such a rare and valuable experience to get a full-disclosure patient opinion on what they want and don’t want from a physician, and even rarer to get that as you learn. When I first heard about these exams early this year, I spent the year dreading it, because I thought it would be a rushed and graded experience like the rest of our “standardized patients.” I see now that I should have been looking forward to it rather than dreading it, and I credit that fully to the relaxed atmosphere and professionalism that you’ve clearly worked so hard to foster. So thank you very much. I hope I can honor your work through the patients I help as I honor mine.”
“I need to take a moment to tell you that I have been singing Mercer’s praises all the way home to my family and friends about the health assessment lab today. Please pass along my gratitude to all the wonderful men and women at Clinical Skills USA. I entered the lab anxious but the models really put me at ease. They were so informative and did a great job explaining what I was to see and feel. The lab gave me the opportunity to ask questions without being “mindful” of a patient sitting in front of me or the fear of looking incompetent. Thank you, thank you, thank you again for this lab. It really was an invaluable experience.”
“Dr. King,
I just filled out my survey regarding the MUTA/GTA experience but wanted to personally give my feedback to you since you are the course director. I was quite apprehensive about these labs before I completed them and didn’t know what to expect at all! BUT, I am soooo thankful that RVU has implemented such a requirement!!! I can pretty much tell you that my confidence level for these intimate and sensitive exams went from a -10 to about a 9 :)
The thought of examining a real patient in this setting scared me to death. After these labs with the MUTA/GTA I can say that I would be very willing to perform a thorough GU exam b/c not too many physicians out there perform one properly. And I believe this exam to be SO important for BOTH male and females when you consider ALL the cancers and disorders a physician could detect with a proper and thorough exam. The idea of having “guiding” patients as these is brilliant! I hope RVU can continue this year after year and I hope feedback from others is just as positive! Thank you!!”